In an IPA process that runs a batch job using a Web Run node, and you get the message “An unknown error occurred” in the Work Unit Log, the next step should be to check the IOS.log.  If you see the message “javax.transaction.TransactionRolledbackException: Transaction is ended due to timeout”, you need to increase the timeout in WebSphere.

Sample Error: WU Log


Activity name:WebRun9710 id:1 started @ 06/28/2024 02:30:15.993 AM

                 WebRun WebRun9710: Executing WebRun activity node

                 WebRun WebRun9710: call type Lawson HTTP Call

                 WebRun WebRun9710: calling host (Req timeout: 60 min; # Retries: 3; Pause: 1,000 ms) web program cgi-lawson/jobrun.exe?FUNC=run&USER=NA%5Crlawjob&JOB=AP136-02&WAIT=true&OUT=XML

                 WebRun WebRun9710: Post string

                 WebRun WebRun9710: WebRun result size: 0.00 MiB

                 WebRun9710_result = <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”ISO-8859-1″?>

<ERROR key=”UNKNOWN_ERROR” level=”1″><MSG><![CDATA[ An unknown error occurred. Please contact your system admin. ]]></MSG><DETAILS><![CDATA[ Check IOS logs for details. ]]></DETAILS></ERROR>

                 WebRun WebRun9710: Success string <STATUS>63</STATUS> not found

                 WebRun9710_errorCode = 1

                 WebRun9710_informationCode = 0

                 WebRun9710_returnMessage = WebRun WebRun9710: Success string <STATUS>63</STATUS> not found

                 WebRun9710_outputData =

Activity name:WebRun9710 id:1 failed @ 06/28/2024 02:44:51.452 AM


Sample Error: Ios.log


2024-06-28T02:44:51,403 ERROR [WebContainer : 1] [          ][lawson      ] [CGI-LAWSON  ] [Cgilawson] Exception occurred while processing CGI invocation.

javax.ejb.EJBTransactionRolledbackException: Transaction rolled back; nested exception is: javax.transaction.TransactionRolledbackException: Transaction is ended due to timeout

                at ~[]

                at ~[]

                at ~[]

                at ~[]

                at ~[]

                at ~[?:?]

                at com.lawson.servlet.Cgilawson.doService( [classes/:?]


Steps to Resolve

  1. Access the LSF WebSphere Administration/Integrated Solutions Console.
    2. Navigate to Servers > Server Types > WebSphere Application Servers > {LSF Application Server} > Container Services > ORB service.
    3. In the Request timeout field type 900 (equates to 15 minutes)
    4. In the Locate request timeoutfield type 300 (which is the maximum value allowed for this field).
    5. Click OK.
    6. Save the changes to the master configuration.
    7. Navigate to Servers > Server Types > WebSphere Application Servers > {LSF Application Server} > Container Services > Transaction service.
    8. In the Total transaction lifetime timeout field type 900
    9. In the Client Inactivity timeoutfield, type 900
    10. In the Maximum transaction timeout field, type 900
    11. Click OK.
    12. Save the changes to the master configuration.
    13. Restart the LSF application server for the changes to take effect.


Summary: Below is a helpful guide if you’re having issues running AC290 for more than 6 activities.


First create an activity list, so on AC290 right-click inside the Activity List field and select “Define”.


This will take you to MX10.1, click new list:


This takes you to MX10.2, Create your list name, add it, and go back to MX10.1


On MX10.1, inquire on your list and add in activities, this can be a range or individual. You’ll need to group them if they are ranges, all shown below.


Now go back to AC290, enter the list you created under Acivity List:


Hope this was helpful!

How do I change the version of java IPD is using?


First, go to your IPDesigner folder.


You should see the following .ini files in your folder:


Next, check your IPDesigner.ini file and change it there if needed.


Also be sure to check your IPDesigner_console.ini file and change it there if needed.


If any changes are made, run the following command in the command window:

  • cd C:\IPDesigner\PROD>
  • exe > debug.log 2>&1


When logging in on Lawson Mingle (or portal direct), you may receive an error “You are not authorized to access this site” even though your user is all setup with the proper security in Lawson.

The highlighted error indicates that the user has been authenticated but is not authorized to access the application. This indicates that the issue is likely within Infor Federation Services for Infor Ming.le 11.1.x or Security Administration for Infor OS.


To resolve, a Lawson administrator with access to Infor Federated services will have to login to IFS.

Select Manage >> Users

Type in the domain\user and click filter

If the user does not come up, click the Add user button

Select your organizations domain (not bootstrap)

Type the users domain\user in the User Filter box and click Load

Select the user, click Apply then Ok

After the users been added, click save next to the add button:

The IFS system should be setup to sync automatically but an issue with auto-sync or possibly a connection to the IFS server may need to be addressed first.

You can click the manual sync and check if there are errors with the auto-sync:

Work with your network or windows team to resolve any connection issues to further resolve auto-sync.


If you found this article helpful and are considering optimizing your Lawson Security and LBI systems, Nogalis offers expert consultant teams specializing in managed services at a fixed monthly rate. Catering to both large organizations requiring robust support and smaller entities seeking efficient management without full-time on-site staff, our services are tailored to fit diverse organizational needs. For further details, please reach out to us via our contact page.

You can clear workunit logs and activities for workunits with Completed or Canceled status to minimize the amount of data related to workunits that is stored on your system without deleting the important information, such as execution date/time and user actions, for a workunit.

You can delete logs and activities for workunits from the active Workunits list or from Workunit History.

  • Archive workunits in history.

To hide completed workunits from workunit lists but not delete them and their associated data, you can move the workunits to history. Workunits retain all associated data for as long as they remain in history.

  • Permanently delete all workunit data.

It is possible to permanently delete workunit data. If you have old data that you know you will never again need, deleting the data, which can become quite large, might be a good idea.

  1. Access the Process Server Administrator and select Administration > Work Units > Work Units
  2. Click Actions > Schedule Logs And Activities Deletion.

The Delete Logs and Activities dialog box is displayed.

  1. Select one or more of the types of records you to delete from these options:
    • Delete Work Unit Logs And Activity Logs: Delete all log data for workunits and activities.
    • Delete Activities And Activity Variables: Delete activity records.
    • Delete Work Unit Variables: Delete workunit variable information.
  1. Select the records to process. The action processes only workunits with a status of Completed or Canceled. Specify a method for selection:

Work Unit Completion Date Range

To process workunits within a specific range, select a begin and end date.

Work Unit Completion Days Range Prior to Current Date

To process workunits within a range of completion days prior to current date, specify the number of days prior to the current date. For example, if the date is February 1 and you want to clear January data, specify 31 in Begin Days and 1 in End Days.

Work Unit Range

To process workunits by work unit number, select begin and end workunit numbers.

  1. Click OK to run the action or click Schedule to schedule the action to run.


If one of your users in Lawson Portal or Mingle is receiving this error (or similar), a Lawson Security administrator will have to follow the steps below.

  1. Login to Lawson Administrator Tool
  2. Go to Use Management > User Maintenance
  3. Query the user who is having the issue.
  4. Right-click on their record and choose ‘Edit Lawson Environment Information’.
  5. Make sure the user has a data area set. Edit >> Change after changing.
    1. Alternatively, if the data area is already set, select Edit >> Change. Reminder, if you are using ISS, hit the save icon. (You do not need to actually add or change anything on this form/screen.) This creates the R_USER record in the GEN database.
  6. In Lawson portal (or mingle, selecting the globe icon), if you’re a portal admin, you should see an option to Clear IOS Cache.
  7. Have the user that was encountering the error close all of their web browsers Internet Explorer (IE), Chrome, Edge, etc and then open a new web browser session and log in again.

Note: LSF 9 ONLY – LAUA users: If the user has the attribute CheckLS=No, the user may also need an LAUA Security Class assigned to their Operating System account via LAUA.

Organizations often choose to leverage Lawson consultant teams to oversee their Lawson Security. These expert teams provide managed services at a predictable monthly rate, offering extensive knowledge and specialized expertise. This solution is ideal for larger organizations, while smaller entities seeking efficient management without the need for full-time on-site staff can also benefit. Nogalis delivers these services, and additional details can be obtained by contacting us through our dedicated contact page.

Infor OS Portal (or Infor Ming.le) features small applications called contextual applications that provide content related to the Lawson Portal form you are working on. These forms communicate with certain contextual applications by sending messages. Below are some examples of contextual applications supported by Lawson Portal that you can add to your screen.

  • Content Assistant
  • Context Viewer
  • Currency Converter
  • Documentation
  • Employee Information
  • In-Context BI
  • Invoice Payment Details
  • Maps
  • Package Tracker
  • Paparazzi
  • Print Manager (for use with Lawson Portal)
  • Requisition to Payment
  • Shortcuts
  • Twitter Tracker


Here are some examples of context apps on the right side of the screen.


You can use the Lawson Portal to create Info Browser data.  First, navigate to the left menu and select Info Browser under the General section.

The Info Browser in Smart Office allows you to export its settings and save them as a file in the user’s local directory. You can later use the Import tool to upload and save these files as Info Browsers.

Accessing the Info Browser Page

  • To access the Info Browser page in Lawson Portal, follow these steps:
  • Open the Navigation menu.
  • Select General > Info Browsers.

Creating Info Browsers

  • In Lawson Portal, you can create Info Browser data, including queries, directly from the Info Browser page. To add data, use the Import tool found under the Actions toolbar menu.
  • Exporting from Smart Office: The Info Browser in Smart Office has an export feature that allows you to save Info Browser settings as a file in the user’s local directory. You can later upload these generated files using the Import tool.
  • Data Query in Design Studio: On a custom page in Design Studio, you can create a Data Query object, which generates an API to request Lawson Data. The resulting Data Query file is available in the Import tool, allowing you to use it within the Info Browser.
  • By utilizing the export and import functionalities, you can easily manage and reuse your Info Browser configurations and Data Queries across Lawson Portal and Smart Office.

Infor Browser Actions

Actions: Users can manage the Info Browsers such as rename, delete, share, or import a new one.

Folder: Users can create, rename, and delete Info Browser folders.

Refresh: Refreshes the data on the list. This action is enabled when an Info Browser is displayed on the right panel.

Download CSV: Downloads the current data in the displayed Info Browser. This action is enabled when an Info Browser is displayed on the right panel.

Custom Views: Users can save and manage custom filters for an Info Browser. This action is enabled when an Info Browser is displayed on the right panel.

Help: Shows the help message in a dialog box.


Customizing and Sharing Info Browser Views in Lawson Portal

In Lawson Portal, you can create and save custom views of Info Browsers to suit your specific needs. This guide explains how to customize views, share Info Browsers with others, and manage Info Browser folders.

Creating Custom Info Browser Views

To create custom views of an Info Browser, you can adjust the column order, width, and filters. Then, save the customized view by selecting Custom Views > Save view as….

Key points:

  • Identifiable by name: Each custom view is named for easy identification, allowing you to switch between views as needed.
  • Persistence: Custom views remain even when switching forms or closing Lawson Portal.
  • Managing views: You can delete saved custom views by selecting Custom Views > Manage Views.

Sharing Info Browsers

You can easily share your Info Browser with other users:

  1. Select Actions > Share.
  2. Optionally, change the name of the Info Browser before sharing.
  3. The recipient can import the shared Info Browser by selecting Actions > Import and choosing User from the drop-down menu.
  4. The recipient can rename the Info Browser and choose a folder destination.

The imported Info Browser will appear in the recipient’s saved list.

Accessing Published Info Browsers

To access Info Browsers published to your assigned role:

  1. Select Actions > Import > Import From > Published.
  2. You can change the name and select a folder destination for the imported Info Browser.

The published Info Browser will be available in your list of saved Info Browsers.

Launching Records to a Form

You can launch a Lawson Application associated with an Info Browser, automatically populating key fields or parameter mappings based on the selected row.

Managing Info Browser Folders

You can organize Info Browsers using folders:

  • Create, rename, and delete folders: Use the Folders tool in the Actions toolbar.
  • Drag-and-drop functionality: Move Info Browsers to any folder for better organization.
  • Deleting folders: When you delete an Info Browser folder, all contents within that folder are permanently removed.

By customizing views, sharing Info Browsers, and organizing folders, you can streamline your workflow and enhance the usability of Lawson Portal.


Hotkeys are shortcut key combinations designed to perform specific actions within the Lawson Portal, on forms, or in reports. Both administrators and end-users, with the appropriate permissions, can customize these hotkeys. This guide explains how to change the assignments for Infor Lawson-delivered hotkeys.

Understanding Hotkeys in Lawson Portal

Infor Lawson delivers several sets of hotkeys, which become active when a user accesses the associated component. These hotkeys are categorized as follows:

  • Navigation and General Purpose Hotkeys: Used for general navigation within the portal.
  • ERP Application Hotkeys: Specific to Infor Lawson form actions.
  • ERP Report Hotkeys: Used within Infor Lawson reports.

Steps to Change Hotkey Assignments

  1. Access User Options:
    • Navigate to the Navigation menu.
    • From the General group of options, select User Options.
  2. Open Hotkey Settings:
    • Click the Hotkeys tab.
    • Select the appropriate tab for the type of hotkey change you are making (e.g., navigation, form actions, or reports).
  3. Identify and Modify Hotkeys:
    • Find a key or key combination that is not currently assigned.
    • Click on the column containing the hotkey you want to change.
  4. Assign New Hotkey:
    • Specify your desired key combination.
    • Click OK to save your changes.
  5. Confirmation and Reversion:
    • If the new hotkey is accepted, a Revert button will appear in the Revert column.
    • A status bar message will be displayed if the chosen hotkey is already in use.
  6. Revert to Default:
    • To return the action to its default hotkey assignment, click in the Revert column.


  • Administrators can customize hotkeys for end-users.
  • End-users can customize their own hotkeys if allowed by the administrator through the user’s role file.

By following these steps, you can efficiently change hotkey assignments in Lawson Portal, enhancing your workflow and productivity.


Favorites in Lawson Portal are user-defined locations that can be easily accessed from the Favorites group on the Navigation menu or the Pinned Favorites panel on the home page. Here’s how you can create and manage your Favorites.

Creating Favorites

  1. Access the Favorites Configuration:
    • From the home page, click the hamburger icon beside Menu > User Options and select the Favorites tab.
    • Alternatively, click Edit Favorites on the home page.
  2. Add a New Favorite:
    • From the Favorites list toolbar, click the Add icon.
  3. Select a Favorite Type:
    • URL: A direct link to an external site.
    • Token: A token available to your user, within a specified data area and system code.
    • Custom form: A modified form created in Design Studio.
    • Custom page: A page created using Design Studio.
    • Utility: A location within Lawson Portal, such as User Options or Jobs and Reports.
  4. Fill Out Required Fields:
    • Complete all necessary fields for the selected favorite type.
  5. Configure Favorite Options:
    • Provide a name for the new favorite item or use the default defined name.
    • Select the switch Open in a new window to open your favorite outside of Lawson Portal.
    • Select the switch Pin to home page to display your favorite on the Pinned Favorites panel on the home page.
  6. Save the Favorite:
    • Click Save to add the new favorite item to your Favorites list.

Sharing Favorites

  1. Share Favorite Items:
    • Users can share their favorite items by clicking the Share icon and Import icon in the Favorites list toolbar.
  2. Modify Shared Favorites:
    • When sharing, users can change the name of a Favorite item. This change does not affect the original saved Favorite items of the sender.
  3. Recipient’s Actions:
    • The recipient can also change the name of the Favorite item. These shared Favorites will be displayed in their list of saved Favorites.

By following these steps, you can easily create, manage, and share your Favorites in Lawson Portal, enhancing your navigation and productivity within the system.