A user can on behalf of another user use a proxy to assign a task that the user would typically perform to another user so that the other user can take action for them. For example, Mary is going on vacation and will need someone to take actions in her absence. You can assign a proxy for that task. You could also assign a proxy permanently to one of a user’s tasks.

Proxied work items are routed to the Personal Task of the user who has been assigned as a proxy. A Personal Task is the task that all users have which is named with their username. User Josh Denver may have task named, depending on your site’s naming conventions, “jdenver”.

Users who had been given the required access rights can assign proxies for themselves. Infor Process Automation administrators can also assign proxies for users.

When on LBI (Lawson Business Intelligence), sometimes your users may receive the following error: “The viewer is unable to open an advanced prompt dialog” when they are trying to adjust the parameters on a crystal report running through LBI (see screenshot). To resolve this error, follow the steps below.

First, navigate to the ERS install validator at https://<lbi-server>:<lbi-port>/ers/installvalidator.jsp?

Next, log in as an administrator.  On the System Settings, set “Crystalviewer Ajax” to “Enabled”.

Finally, save the install validator configuration.  The changes are instantaneous, and do not require a restart. You should no longer receive the error!


Identifying performance issues and improving performance for Lawson applications in a Windows Environment can sometimes be tricky.

This article provides some ways to improve performance specifically when batch jobs are running more slowly than expected.

  1. Update bpm.properties to assist the performance batch jobs that call services in IPA
    1. On the Lawson server, navigate to LAWDIR/system/bpm.properties
    2. Remove the lines lpxMaxHeap=XXXXX and lpsMinHeap=XXXXX
    3. Add a line “useLPSBridgeSocket=true” (check if the line exists already)
    4. Restart Lawson services
  2. Set Windows page file to 32Gb
    1. On the LSF server, search for “Advanced System Settings”
    2. Go to the Advanced tab
    3. Under “Performance”, select “Settings…”
    4. Select the Advanced tab
    5. Under Virtual memory, select “Change…”
    6. Unchecked “Automatically manage…”
    7. Select the drive where Lawson is installed
    8. Select “Custom size” and set the max to 32000
    9. Click “Set” then “OK”
    10. Reboot the server


Error occurring: Batch Job failed: execjob(laStartProcess): Unable to log in Domain\user


What’s happening before this error:

When logged in as the lawson user and running a user defined batch job (defined within tokendef) which calls the importdb command. In our example, we run importdb as the command but this can happen for any user defined token that either runs a command or a script such as a perl script or bat file, etc.


This is an example of an log text (joblog) with this error in it:

User: domain\UserName Job: JobNameHere Queue:

BEGIN: Job Submitted: Tue Jan 13 15:51:36 2020


Step 1: importdb Started . . . .: Tue Jan 13 15:51:36 2020

Token Command. . . . . .: CommandNameHere

execjob(laStartProcess): Unable to log in domain\UserName

StartStep failed: The operation completed successfully.


Elapsed Time: 00:00:01


END: Job Ended: Tue Jan 13 15:51:37 2020


How can this issue be resolved?

These steps are for experienced “Lawson” security admins  (Nogalis provides Managed Service support if needed):


If you are an Infor Single Tenant CloudSuite customer running the Infor Lawson products, if you do not know the user’s INFORBC account password, you need to do the following:

  1. Go to the CloudSuite Self Service Portal:

https://concierge.infor.com/ then find and select the cloudsuite app (open an infor ticket if you don’t have it)

  1. You will go under service requests, choose the password change option. Change the password for this user that is having the issue.
  2. After that is done, have the user test running the script again.


For all On-Premises customers or CloudSuite customers that do know their INFORBC account password:

IMPORTANT As of Oct of 2020, Infor found a bug in the ISS User interface (/scwebadminapp) that when changing just the password, the UID value for the user would be changed and cause the user to no longer see their jobs and reports. JT-1492340. The fix for that requires a combination of ISS version and then the LSF version needs to be one of the following:

– or higher

– or higher

– or higher


If you are on the proper versions, you can use ISS to make the change to the password, if you are not on the proper versions, you should only do the update via the LSA tool in the steps below.

Use the Infor Security Service (ISS) web page (context root is usually /scwebadminapp) if your Lawson System Foundation (LSF) environment is federated with Landmark. Alternately, if you are not federated (uncommon) then log into the Lawson Security Administrator (LSA). If you’re not sure if you are federated with Landmark you should review your LAWDIR/system/lsservice.properties file to check for fed. lines as well as this line; isprimary=true . If these are present, then you are federated.

  1. Search for the user for whom the batch job failed.
  2. Navigate to Manage Identities
  3. Click on the environment identity from the list of Services on the left of the ISS web page or the screen in LSA
  4. That password must be the actual user’s domain (Windows customers) or (Unix, IBM i – OS user) password in order to use user tokens/scripts. Double click within the ‘password and ‘password confirm’ attributes to type (DO NOT USE COPY and PASTE) in the correct domain password for this user. Save the change in ISS by clicking on the “Diskette”/save icon or, if you are in the LSA tool, choose Edit then Change.




Good luck and again, if you need experienced Lawson Security Admins to complete this task, reach out to us at https://www.nogalis.com/


When migrating or copying custom COBOL programs, it is often necessary to also migrate messages and work file definitions (aka metadata).

First, dump the messages and work file definitions using the following syntax:

metadumpmsg <productline> <messagecategory>

metadumpwrk <productline> <programcode> <workfilename>


For example, metadumpmsg prod ZC186 and metadumpwrk prod ZC186 ZC186_ERROR-RPT

The messages will be dumped to a file <messagecategory>.msg.

The work files will be dumped to a file <program_workfile>.wrk.  Work file names can be found in workdef.


After all the metadata elements are dumped, copy them to the other server/productline.  Using a command line utility or LID, navigate to the location where you placed the files, then run the commands to load them.


Loading messages syntax is metaloadmsg <productline> <filename>.msg

Loading work syntax is metaloadwork <productline> <filename>.wrk

If you want to use filters with a user, you can enable filtering when you create a user. Follow these steps below:


Enabling users for filtering

  1. Open a user and then select the “Is Filter Enabled” check box.
  2. Click Save.


Enabling tasks for filtering

  1. Open a Task and select a User Task.
  2. Select the “Is Filter Enabled” check box when you link a task to a user.

Note that a user must also be filter-enabled to use filtering associated with tasks.


Often times a user is responsible for updating dozens of LBI report schedules that generate daily, weekly, and monthly report instances.

A parameter might have been set incorrectly and is now generating the incorrect data for a bunch of instanced reports that now are useless and no one noticed until several report instances existed.

Today we are going to go over how to easily fix those report instances assuming one has admin access and crystal reports installed.

Here is an example of a report a user was viewing that contains no bursting data for that user because it has the incorrect parameters:

First thing to note is the Report ID and Instanced ID as highlighted below.

Let’s now export the report as a Crystal report as shown by the arrow below.

Open the exported report in Crystal and press F5 >> Prompt for new parameter values >> OK

This should pull up the incorrect saved parameters. Change it to the proper values and press OK to generated the report with data. (you may be prompted for credentials, you’ll need some sort of db read access).

After the data is generated go to File >> Save and make sure “Save Data with Report” is highlighted:

Now go to the report instance that you exported this from and click details:

Under Report Actions >> Republish >> Choose File >> Find the updated crystal report, select >> Save

Now view the report again and see if it shows the correct data. Do this for the rest of the reports.

Numerous organizations choose to leverage Lawson consultant teams to oversee their Lawson Security and LBI systems. These expert teams provide managed services at a predictable monthly rate, offering extensive knowledge and specialized expertise. This solution is ideal for larger organizations, while smaller entities seeking efficient management without the need for full-time on-site staff can also benefit. Nogalis delivers these services, and additional details can be obtained by contacting us through our dedicated contact page.

In Lawson, your users may be experiencing a GL190 job in recovery.


You may be getting this error:

This is due to the GL190 job being ran when another GL190 job is running in the same jobqueue.


Locate the job in recovery (notice the Job Queue below *********):

Go to GLMONITOR, inquire on GL190 program. This will bring back all jobs in recovery here, only delete the one you plan on recovering, then do so for the remaining.

Once the GLMONITOR is cleared of that specific job, lets recover it and see if it completes (make sure no other GL190 jobs are active).


That’s it, hopefully this helped resolve your issue!