It’s that time of year again! Infor has released the regulatory patching for Lawson. Patching affects 1099 reporting, benefits/ACA, and payroll. We have compiled some tips to help make your year-end patching experience as smooth as possible.



Only two months left of 2019 and November has a handful of events in store!


CPIUG User Group Fall Meeting

Hosted by: Central Plains Infor User Group (CPIUG)
When: Friday November 8th, 2019  from 8:00 to 5:00 (US/Central)
Where: Nebraska Methodist Corporate Building 825 S 169th St Omaha, NE 68118

Mark your calendar for 11/8/2019

The Agenda is available to view on LGUG event page.

Keystone User Group – Fall 2019 Meeting

Hosted by: Keystone Lawson User Group (KLUG)
When: Wednesday, November 13th, 2019 from 8:00 to 4:00 (US/Central)
Where: Eden Resort and Suites, Lancaster PA



Join us for a day packed with presentations from some of the very best Infor partners in the Mid-Atlantic area, informative sessions directly from Infor as well as customer success stories from subject matter experts. This is going to be a great opportunity mix with your colleagues and friends for education, networking, and fun.

Giveaways and prize drawings throughout the day!

Make checks payable to Wellspan Health.

Send checks to:Penn Medicine, John Shaposky
3600 Civic Center Blvd Suite 600
Philadelphia, PA  19104

View/Register Here

Georgia Alabama Fall Meeting

Hosted by: Georgia Alabama User Group
When: Friday, November 15th, 2019 from 8:00 to 5:00 (US/Eastern)
Where: Gwinnet Medical Resource Center 665 Duluth Highway Lawrenceville, Georgia 30046


The meeting fee is waived for all Infor/Lawson customers for this meeting.

Vendors contact Kim Walker ( for vendor sponsorship information.

The meeting will begin with registration at 8:30 am and sessions begin at 9 am. The sessions will wrap up around 3 pm. Breakfast and lunch will be provided. Come visit with fellow customers and Infor partners to learn more about what other customers are doing and how partners can assist your organization.

Agenda topics include:

  • Infor and Infor Global User Group updates
  • Upgrade to CloudSuite Financials and Supply Management v11: Why now?
  • Applying Birst to Drive Business Outcomes
  • Reporting/BI tools for v10 and how to do things with a vision towards v11
  • Reinventing the General Ledger (v11)
  • What’s new and what is next in Talent Acquisition and Transition Management
  • Deep Dive in CloudSuite Supply Management
  • CloudSuite Financials and Supply Management – Upgrade options overview for existing customers

We look forward to seeing you at our meeting in November!

The Georgia Alabama User Group Board

View/Register Here

Infor Canadian Exchange (ICE) Fall Meeting

Hosted by: Infor Canadian Exchange (ICE)
When: Friday November 15th, 2019  from 8:30 to 3:30 (US/Eastern)
Where:Holiday Inn Oakville Centre 590 Argus Rd, Oakville, Ontario L6J 3J3, Canada

Registration Costs:**Event registration fees for the first two attendees from any member company is included in your annual membership fee. Additional attendees are welcome to participate at a cost of $25 per person. Please bring payment to registration.**

View/Register Here

Intermountain User Group Fall Meeting

Hosted by: Inter-mountain Lawson User Group
When: Tuesday November 19th, 2019  from 9:00 to 6:00 (US/Mountain)
Where:Washington Group Plaza

The Agenda for the 2019 Inter-mountain Lawson User Group Conference is now posted see link below.  We are excited to offer a 5th track this year and announce that conference will be held in the larger central plaza auditorium of Washington Group Plaza.

Additionally, we will be renaming ILUG this year at the conference and we want your ideas.  we will be taking suggestions for a new user group name that includes the name INFOR and reflects our user base of Idaho, Utah and the pacific northwest.  Name suggestions will be voted on at lunch (the ILUG board has final approval) and a prize to the person who suggested the new name will be awarded.

Link to Agenda:

Link to Registration:

If you have comments questions or concerns, please reach out to Kyle Peck at or 207.706.9553

Link to Marriott Springhill Suites:

View/Register Here

MWLUG Fall 2019 Meeting

Hosted by: Midwest Lawson User Group (MWLUG)
When: Thursday November 21st, 2019  from 8:00 to 3:15 (US/Central)
Where: HealthPartners 8170 33rd Avenue South Bloomington, MN 55425

Join the Midwest Lawson User Group for our 2019 Fall Meeting

There will be Special Interest Group (SIG) breakouts by functional area in the morning, then Technical, Human Capital Management, Enterprise Financial Management and Supply Chain Management breakout sessions in the afternoon.  Also, review the Elections tab prior to voting for candidates for our open Board positions!  One vote per member company.

Plenty of great prizes to award at the conclusion of the meeting!


Cap off your day by joining us for a networking reception following the meeting at HealthPartners. Please join us for a couple of hours of food and drink at JTs Food and Cocktails, located just 3 minutes from HealthPartners – across from the Mall of America!  All beverages and appetizers are provided… this is a perfect opportunity to avoid rush hour and spend some time networking.  Join your peers, vendors and Infor Lawson employees as we continue discussion on Infor Lawson in a relaxed, fun atmosphere.

MWLUG 2019 Fall meeting vendor sponsorship opportunities here.

Thank you to our Vendor booth sponsors:

  • Avaap
  • iTK Technologies
  • MHC Software
  • Bails & Associates
  • Analysts
  • Simacor

Thank you to our Vendor food/beverage co-sponsors:

  • MHC Software
  • Bails & Associates
  • Simacor

Special Thank You to Infor and WorkOutLoud for supporting MWLUG!

Note: Five people from each member company can attend at no charge.

Each additional person from member companies is $30 per attendee, and the registration cost for attendees from non-member companies is $75.

2019 Membership dues need to be paid in order for “member” pricing to be available for your company.  If your company is not a member company, become one today!

Upcoming Meetings – save the dates:

  • February 20, 2020, Winter meeting at HealthPartners

View/Register Here

IRMUG Fall Meeting

Hosted by: Infor Rocky Mountain User Group (IRMUG)
When: Thursday November 21st, 2019  from 9:00 to 5:00 (US/Mountain)
Where:Cherry Creek School District Intructional Support Facility, 1st Floor Conf room 146 5416 S Riviera Way Centennial, CO 80015

For Question Please Contact: Karen Miller,
[Denver Public Schools]

IRMUG is pleased to welcome Infor’s Senior Product Manager Hans Muller to give the Infor Update Nov 21st meeting.

You won’t want to miss Hans insight and wit.  He’s presented at Inforum and highly knowledgeable on many lawson products.  He’s been with Infor since 2006 and able to answer migration to Cloud v11, Early Adopters at Infor, Enterprise Software, Integration, and Implementation.  Please encourage your fellow Lawson Infor users and managers to register and attend.  If you are not familiar with Hans Muller, you won’t be disappointed.

Mark your calendars for Infor TechEd 2019 in San Diego, California. This 2-day event (Wednesday April 24-Friday April 26, 2019) will take place at the Estancia La Jolla Hotel and Spa.

Infor TechEd is a 2.5-day hands-on training event where you can learn directly from Infor product experts and improve your technical knowledge. This immersive education conference offers a unique opportunity for moderate to advanced technical administrator and development users to optimize your company’s investment in Infor CloudSuite Financials & Supply Management, Lawson, HCM, and Cloverleaf.

Wednesday, April 24th, 2019 → Friday, April 26th, 2019, from 7:30 to 2:00 (US/Pacific)

Estancia La Jolla Hotel & Spa
9700 N. Torrey Pines Road
La Jolla, California 92037

For More information, or to Register, Click Here

Infor’s annual Winter Showcase is back – and with more exciting sessions than ever before!

Three information-rich days will provide you with invaluable insight that will not only enlighten you but fundamentally improve the way you work.

With exclusive access to key Infor product managers and corporate executives, you’ll benefit from compelling keynote presentations, detailed product road maps, interactive focus groups, insightful customer stories, engaging hands-on academy sessions, and more. You won’t be disappointed.

Designed specifically with you in mind, you’ll have the option to attend any or all the sessions in the following tracks. Here’s just a sample of what you’ll hear:

  • Financials
    • New Infor Treasury capabilities for optimal cash management
    • New Expense Management features such as integrated online travel booking, native mobile app, Birst reporting and optical character recognition.
  • Technology
    • How we are using Coleman AI to provide digital assistance and process automation across financials, supply management and HCM.
    • Infor Go – All your Infor applications on your handheld.
  • Supply chain management
    • Roadmap for new Supply Chain Intelligence solutions by Infor’s Dynamic Science Labs.
    • Planned Point of Use enhancements, including tissue tracking and management.
  • Human capital management
    • Changing the face of HR with the new “mobile HCM” solution
    • How we are applying industry specialization to Talent Management – and why that is good for you.

Don’t miss this chance to design a custom-built professional development experience to fit your unique needs.

View/Register Here

Mark your calendars…

The Winter Showcase

The Saint Paul Hotel
350 Market Street
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
United States
Need Directions?

The traditional Winter Showcase you know and love is back! Join us February 13 – 15, 2018 in St. Paul for the opportunity to hear first-hand from a number of Infor Product Managers about next generation solutions that only Infor can offer.

Agenda: URL to the Agenda

Choose one or more of the following tracks/days. We ask that each company limit attendance to 5 attendees from the same company per track.

February 13 – Finance  (details)

7:45 AM – 5:00 PM (Central Time)

Location: Saint Paul Hotel and other locations

February 14 – Tools and Technology  (details)

7:45 AM – 5:00 PM (Central Time)

Location: Saint Paul Hotel and other locations

February 15 – Supply Management  (details)

7:45 AM – 4:00 PM (Central Time)

Location: Saint Paul Hotel and other locations

February 15 – Human Capital Management  (details)

7:45 AM – 4:00 PM (Central Time)

Location: Saint Paul Hotel and other locations

Registration is free for Infor customers. Register early—seats are limited. View the detailed event agenda here.

Kicking off 2018, the Lawson user group community held its first event, the 15th Annual West Coast Mega Conference. Bringing together the Pacific Lawson User Group (PLUG), Southern California, Arizona, Nevada Lawson User Group (SCANLUG), and Northern California User Group (INCLU), 19 vendors and over 100 attendees gathered at the Pacific Life building in Newport Beach, California for a 2-day conference on January 23rd and 24th. Attendees chose from over 60 educational sessions covering topics from upgrading to the latest Lawson version, to migrating from on premise to the cloud. Nogalis hosted 2 sessions (Payroll Automation – How we pay 100,000 employees weekly using IPA with no user interaction & How Several Lawson Clients have cut Operational Costs by 35%) with almost 40 attendees, among the largest turnout of any other vendor session.

In recent years, Nogalis introduced their new security product, LSFIQ . The 2018 West Coast User Conference was the first for attendees to see the latest version of LSFIQ. People who visited the booth were given quick demos of the product, signing those interested up for a free version to test out. In return, they would be entered in a drawing for a chance to win a bitcoin wallet valued at over $100. And just for visiting the booth, attendees were given phone hook clips branded with the Nogalis logo to attach to their mobile phones as a handy phone stand and holder. The bitcoin wallet gathered interest; however, the grand prize was the talk of the event. Those who attended either of the Nogalis sessions were automatically entered in a drawing for a chance to win a FREE helicopter ride from local flight school, Revolution Aviation. The ride would include an introductory lesson, a 40 minute – 1 hour tour of Orange and Los Angeles County, and an opportunity to take control of the aircraft in the pilot’s seat! With many of the attendees being Southern California residents, there was no doubt they wanted to get their hands on this amazing experience.

As gold sponsors once again, Nogalis hosted the evening  event at the Marriott hotel, where attendees and vendors enjoyed great food, played casino games, networked with one another, and won raffle prizes.

Today we are introducing a free tier of our super popular security reporting application.

LSFIQ is the only cloud-based application that enables you to upload and analyze your Lawson Security data with ease and with no software to install. Simply upload two easy-to-create files into your LSFIQ account and get access to dozens of incredible reports that give you instant, detailed view into your security data. And now there is a great new free version.

It has taken us a while to make the freemium vision come to life but we are proud to announce that as of 2017, you can use our application completely free with no obligation to ever buy.

Learn More About LSFIQ and Sign up for your Free Tier today!