Many v10 Employee Self-Service (ESS) users don’t particularly like the bookmarks bar compared to v9.

A simple fix for this is to make simple modifications to the ESS portal role.

To make this portal role truly a employee self-service screen, limit it further as shown below:

Make sure you also set your product line in options and enable it.  Here are the option settings we use:

Once done, this is what your ESS only users will see:

There is much more to play with here and it is not limited to ESS only, but this is a simple modification.  Enjoy!

From the Landmark Rich Client, forms can be changed under Options – Personalize in the menu.  Fields on a form can be renamed or changed in color or style.  They can be hidden, marked as display only, or as required.  In this example, the field “Last Employment ID Assigned” is highlighted in bold red with a shortened name.   Once Personalize is selected, Form Personalization shows Actions and Fields at the top.  Actions will allow restrictions for a specific condition.  In this case, click on the “Last Employment ID Assigned” and then click Fields in the upper right.  Select the Label tab to change the style, color, and text.  Once the changes are made, the window is closed and the Form Personalization is Saved in the upper right.  The changes are then seen immediately without restarting the client.  To undo the changes, return to Options – Personalize in the menu, and click Reset in the upper right.

PR299 may not be creating the EFW2 file from a security violation.  The job log can provide more details.  The log in this example shows that it is trying to use cnvtape to create the EFW2 file.  Cnvtape may not be in a security class or even defined in the environment.  Tokendef can be used to add the utility to the list of environment executables in security.  Once the token is available, a rule to grant all access to cnvtape can be added to a  security class like AllENVAccess.  Ensure the class is on a role for the user running the job.  After adding this permission, the PR299 can run to completion.


Job log




Security Administrator

Enabling or disabling security can be done in Authorization Activation through Security System Management.  This can be accessed from the landmark validation url’s or from within the rich client.  The validation page can typically be found at D:\LMKDEV\gen_ValidationURLs.htm where D:\LMKDEV is the landmark installation folder.  Opening the htm in a web browser will list the link for Security System Management.

From the Security System Management screen, select Authorization Activation in the upper right of the menu. It will return a list of productlines.  Double clicking a productline (or Actions – Open from the menu) will return the Security Activation screen.  The screen shows Security Status as a parameter with values to allow All Access, No Access, Process Rules.  Select All Access to turn off the security rules and save the change.  Select Process Rules to again enable security restrictions.


  1. Download the TaxLocator bulletin from mybsiconnect
    1. Log into mybsi
    2. Choose product
    3. Select TaxLocator Data
    4. Select the appropriate Locator Bulletin
    5. Download the pkg file
  2. Log into your company’s BSI TaxFactory URL
  3. Go to System Tools > Database Load
  4. Browse to the pkg file you downloaded
  5. Click Upload
  6. Select load all files
  7. Click Process

New locator package is updated



  1. Validate the TaxLocator in Lawson
    1. Log into LID
    2. Navigate to lapm <PDL> prtf
    3. Click the TaxLocator buttons


  1. Download the client package for Windows. 
    1. Log into your MyBSI account
    2. Navigate to Product Maintenance
    3. Select your product
    4. Cyclic Bulletins
    5. Select your bulletin
    6. Click on your TF10 Client Package

  1. Download the Server Package. 
    1. From the Cyclic bulletins screen, select the appropriate server download for your server configuration
  1. Download the Cyclic Data File. 
    1. From the Cyclic bulletins screen, click Cyclic Data File
  1. Uncompress/Unzip the client software. 
  2. Install the client software.

Password can be fund under the Bulletin Information link

Skip any environments that are not installed

  1. Uncompress/Unzip the server software.

Password can be fund under the Bulletin Information link

  1. Transfer/move/copy the server software to your payroll system location.  (on Windows this location is C:/Windows/System32)
  2. Apply the Cyclic Data. 
    1. Log into the new cyclic URL (eTF10x, where x is the new bulletin letter)
    2. Select your dataset
    3. Go to System Tools
    4. Under Maintenance Tools, select Manual Update
    1. Browse for the data package you downloaded earlier
    2. Click Process

Cyclic bulletin is updated

  1. Verify BSI in Lawson
    1. Log into LID
    2. Navigate to lapm <pdl> prtf
    3. Click Refresh Ver
    4. Click the appropriate test buttons

When Lawson batch jobs are not running, they return the following error:


User: lawson Job: C Queue: **********


BEGIN: Job Submitted: Wed Dec 6 11:30:01 2017

Step 1: CU201 Started. . . . . .: Wed Dec 6 11:30:01 2017

Token Command. . . . . .: D:\lsfprod\law\prod\obj\CU201.gnt

Executable Command . . .: D:\COBOL\bin64\run.exe D:\lsfprod\law\prod\obj\CU201.gnt prod NT00000002 C 1 Process ID . . . . . . .: 11996

Running as Account . . .: \lawson

Program Messages:

Load error : file ‘lacobrts.dll’

error code: 173, pc=0, call=1, seg=0

173 Called program file not found in drive/directory

Elapsed Time . . . . . .: 00:00:00

ERROR: Stopped On Exit 32. Elapsed Time: 00:00:01

END: Job Ended: Wed Dec 6 11:30:02 2017 

The error message from the job log indicated a problem with lacobrts.dll.  The actual problem was related to the local security policy.  This error was resolved by reviewing the setup for the lawbatch id.  The LSF system in this example had a secured ldapbind.  The domain lawbatch id should be added to the Local Security Policy under User Rights Assignment for “Log on as a batch job” and “Allow log on locally.”

If you are upgrading MSCM and need to test against production data, you may want to have multiple testing passes.  This article will help you to refresh your MSCM database, even if the versions differ.  (The MSCM install procedure updates the database for you when an older version is found).

Uninstall MSCM

  1. Log into the server as Lawson (or as the install user)
  2. Open a command prompt as administrator
  3. Navigate to <installdir>/config
  4. Run the following commands
    1. uninstallmscm
    2. undeploymscm
    3. Verify services as prompted
  5. Verify that the MSCM application has been removed from WebSphere

Restore Database

  • Overwrite the destination database with the desired data set

Re-install MSCM

  1. Log into the server as Lawson (or as the install user)
  2. Open a command prompt as administrator
  3. Navigate to <installdir>/config
  4. Run the following commands
    1. webspheregraft
    2. installschedulertableprefix
    3. installmscm
    4. deploy
    5. Verify services as prompted
  5. Start the mscm application in WebSphere

The User Action Node is typically used for Approval Flows. It is uses with the IPA inbasket to allow users to take action on items as part of an automated process.

Select the task associated with the user action (this must be configured in IPA Rich Client prior to creating your user action node).

Configure actions associated with this task (such as “Approve” or “Reject”)

Decide when the action should proceed

Configure the timeout settings

Configure the notification settings

Configure the displays for various platforms

Decide if/how reminders will be handled

The SQL Transaction node can be used to run T-SQL in any SQL database.

Connection information

  • Either select the configuration name that contains your JDBC connection information
  • Or select Override Connection and provide the override information

You can click “Build” to use the wizard to build your transaction, or you can write it out manually in the Activity Information field.