What Will The Future Of Cloud Bring Us?

Cloud computing today lies at the heart of most information and communication technologies (ICT). Because of its importance, many of our business systems and process are cloud-based. Claudio Saes, partner and telecom practice leader at Bell Labs Consulting, shares an article on Forbes forecasting what the future of the Cloud will bring such as better databases, development platforms, software and cutting-edge generative AI. Mainly, it’s about evolution. Saes emphasizes the the movement toward cloud-native applications – programs designed for cloud computing architecture. “Many existing private clouds are open source and need help to cope with public clouds’ feature explosion and parity, he states, “The truth of multi cloud and hybrid clouds is that they require replicating tools, skills and organization across clouds, which is becoming more complex and costly… Skills will shift from generalist to specialized knowledge to support super clouds and autonomous services, affecting employment trends in the cloud sector.” There are of course challenges in moving towards a fully portable and cost- cloud strategies and the escalating costs associated with running intensive AI applications in the cloud. “As the cloud computing industry unfolds, the emergence of superclouds offers a glimpse into a future where cloud services are commoditized, and enterprises can navigate the complexities of cloud environments with unprecedented efficiency,” notes Saes. “As enterprises grapple with the evolving dynamics of cloud services, the development of superclouds and autonomous services will play a critical role in shaping a future where cloud computing is integral to every facet of technological advancement and economic growth.


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