Using jobdef to distribute job files in Lawson
In LID, type in jobdef, select a user and job name, then F6 >> B. Report Distribution
As you can see, this job isn’t being distributed beyond the prt file that is produced in the users print manager:
You have three options to None, direct to a printer, or to a distribution group:
If we use a distribution group, a distribution group consists of a list of users which can all have different printers setup under them within this group:
The printer itself has to be defined in printer definitions (prtdef) as well as setting up in the distribution list group definitions (dstlistgrpdef)
In this example, if the job definition (jobdef) was set to BENEFIT distribution group and ran, it would auto print to PRINTER123 under the lawson user. All other users are not set so it wouldn’t print to them. That’s it!
If your organization still heavily relies on Lawson recurring/custom jobs and are looking to support or migrate those jobs to IPA, which is harder and harder to find individuals who have all the skillsets to do so, we recommend you look into hiring a Lawson consultant team who offer managed services at a fixed monthly rate.
These Lawson teams have a wider range of expertise and knowledge and are ideal for larger organizations but also are great for smaller ones that don’t need a dedicated Lawson employee on-site that may only be an expert in 2-3 portions of Lawson.