Why You Need Diversity On Your Team And 4 Ways To Build It

What makes for an unstoppable team? One word: diversity. Trello writer Kat Boogaard states that a diverse team is composed of a variety of different people from various backgrounds, viewpoints, and experiences. Research shows that being intentional about building a diverse team leads to a number of different benefits. Boodaard outlines three advantages of a diverse team.

  1. Diversity Breeds Creativity And Innovation.
  2. Diversity Leads To Better Return On Investment.
  3. Diverse Teams Have Better Employee Recruitment And Retention.

Diversity matters, but you must build on it to keep your team dynamic strong. Boogaard outlines four ways to accomplish this:

  1. Rethink “Culture Fit”
  2. Check Your Biases
  3. Take A Close Look At Your Recruitment Materials
  4. Don’t Forget About Inclusion

Building and supporting a thriving team is no easy task, but the investment in a diverse team culture is easily a more favorable route. Boogaard concludes that while everything from psychological safety to transparent communication are all key ingredients in the recipe for a high-performing team, diversity is the not-so-secret sauce that you quite literally can’t afford to leave out.


Original Post by Kat Boogaard at Trello

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