How Business Can Utilise CRM to Adapt to the Post-Covid World

COVID-19 has turned our world upside. From our way of living and our way of doing business, we’ve had to adjust our everyday lives to handle this pandemic carefully. Even as businesses are slowly starting back up again, we need to be mindful of how to move forward as things aren’t going to go back to ‘normal’ for a while. The good news is that we don’t need to spend too much money on rethinking strategies because customer relationship management (CRM) can organize whole industries that have been affected by the pandemic. Victor Iryniuk shares on business2community of the various ways businesses can utilize their CRMs to be more adaptive to the post-Covid world.

New Customers. “With the world working remotely, the gaps in company sales processes have widened. CRM helps businesses close those gaps by ordering and cohering sales processes. If the gaps aren’t there, new prospects and leads will find it much more difficult to fall through them.

New customers are bound to feel some level of uncertainty. The quicker your business can get them into, and moving along the pipeline, the closer they are to making a purchase.”

Existing Relationships. “Customer-centricity is critical during a crisis, when your existing customers make up a disproportionate share of incoming revenue. If you want to keep your business afloat, it’s essential to invest in maintaining positive relationships with every existing customer. It’s important that each customer is approached with understanding, humility, and empathy at the very least, if you expect them to stick around.”

Post-Crisis Team Management. “The new reality is that companies are starting to embrace work-from-home employment models. With a balanced approach to working from home and the leveraging of technology to help implement it, we could step out into a much fairer world for our employees.”


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