Top Five Digital Health Technology Trends

The current pandemic has shifted the importance of healthcare technology and the healthcare industry. Remote-care, telehealth, digital services, wearables, and other technologies have been a key resource for people who have limited their trips to the doctor’s office. Brad Womble shares an article on MDDIonline of five digital health technology trends thanks to the pandemic (according to the 2020 Digital Health Technology Trends survey):

  1. The Primary Healthcare Innovation Driver is Consumer Demand
  2. Wearables and On-Body Devices are the Trendiest Solutions
  3. Digital Health Solutions See Shorter Development Timelines
  4. Interoperability is Critical for Digital Health Success
  5. External Partners Help Make Digital Health a Reality

The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed the usefulness and validity of new technology-enabled care protocols, like telehealth and remote patient monitoring, says Womble. It’s increased use and dependency during this time will likely shape the way we utilize our resources in healthcare for years to come.


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