Are you thinking about integrating an external project system to your ERP?
There are several things that you need to take into consideration:
- What are the accounting needs?
- When do the commitments need to be booked in the GL?
- Budgets:
- Do you want a budget to be tracked in your external Project tracking system?
- Do you want a total not to exceed budget in your ERP to make sure someone is notified when the budget is exceeded?
- Do you want a detailed budget in both places?
- If there is retention from supplier invoices to be paid at the end of the project, when does the retention need to be booked?
- Where is the project initially setup? In the external project tracking system or the ERP?
- What are the touch points that need to be considered when determining what the interface points are?
- How will your ERP know when the project is complete so it can be marked as closed?