Monthly Server Healthcheck Section Overview
Nogalis offers monthly server healthchecks that informs clients of any current or potential problems in Lawson for both PROD and TEST servers. The healthcheck covers error logs, smoke tests, patches, LID functionality, portal check, database integrity, and many other sections (26 total) which will be briefly outlined here.
You can visit to view a demo healthcheck for yourself.
- Summary
This is arguably the most important section of the monthly healthcheck. If there is one section to read, it should probably be this one as it brings to attention the most pressing needs of all the other sections. There is also a handy letter grade assigned each month so you can quickly keep track of the overall health of your server! - Recommendations
This section has all the combined recommendations from the other sections of the healthcheck. It is divided into three levels of urgency so the client can decide what to focus in on.
- System Layout
System hardware and OS information.
- Component Versions
Lawson components version information. If server versions start to fall significantly behind latest versions, recommendations are made.
- Application Versions
Lawson application version information
- Programs with Errors
Any .err files found in the Lawson directory are pointed out in this section. As with any section, further investigation into any issue can be requested by sending an email to the Key Contact.
- Custom Programs
List of custom Z/Y/X programs
- CPU Performance
Tested while idle and under duress. Just a very rough idea of the CPU performance.
- Disks Report
Report on the free space available of the different drives on the server. We make sure to point out in the Summary and Recommendations sections when a drive is getting dangerously low on free space.
- Purge Recommendations
The disks report is followed by purge recommendations where we point out certain things that could be deleted to free up some space.
- Java
Java settings information/recommendations and a screenshot of the jconsole.
- licsta
Summary table of current licenses (viewable in LID)
- Error Logs
Every month we grab these 6 important logs to analyze them for current errors. These errors are pointed out in this section so that the client can determine if they are worth investigating or not.
- Smoke Tests and Component Testing
Various smoke tests with LID, Lawson portal, and various URL tests
- Recurring Job Listing
Simple table listing of recurring jobs. One of the sneaky benefits of having all this information in one healthcheck page is that it allows for a quick search for any terms using the DOCR search bar on the left panel.
- Waiting Jobs
List of waiting jobs
- Database/Table Review and Sizing
This section displays the 10 tables with the largest number of rows for each of PROD/LOGAN/GEN. A quick overview of this section might lead to decisions to purge certain tables for example.
- Database Integrity Check
Summary of database integrity check performed through LID. Any errors here are pointed out in Summary/Recommendations.
- Printers
List of printers and their commands
- Work Directory Review
Overview of Lawson work folder
- Print Directory Review
The Lawson print directory list by user. This information could possibly be used to purge old users/records.
- Security Analysis
Security analysis performed using LSFIQ
(1-click Lawson security audit and reporting tool: see for more info.) - Patches Installed Report
List of latest patches installed on this server.
- Source Versions Report
The source versions report is in a zipped file available to download in the Related Files section.
- Related Files
Any related files related to the healthcheck are in this section where they are available to view or download.
- Key Contacts
If you have any questions about the healthchecks or would like to request an investigation into some error discovered by the healthcheck, please contact anyone in the Key Contacts section with your questions.