LSA  Audit Report

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Audit Report shows changes to security in LSA that have been made through Lawson Security to the security setup of selected users (CONFIG option). Also, shows Instances where users have attempted access that has been denied (ACCESS option).

  1. From the Security Administrator main menu, select Reports > Report Maintenance.
  2. Select New Report
  3. Select Audit report

  4. Specify a name for the report. The name can be up to 30 characters.
  5. Select the Report Type, either CONFIG or ACCESS.
  6. Optional. Select start and end date ranges for the report. Click in the From Date and To Date fields and then choose a date from the calendar.

    If you do not select a date, all data that meets the criteria will be included in the report.

  7. Optional. Select Securable Objects to run the report against. If you do not select specific objects, all objects will be included.
    For example, to check access attempts for HR11.1 and AP20.1, type HR11.1 and then click Add. Then type AP20.1 and click Add. Objects that will appear in the report are listed in the second dialog box. You can click Remove to take an object out of the report.

    You must type the name of the object exactly as it appears in the Security Administrator Object Selector. If you specify a form name, such as HR11.1, use all uppercase letters. If you are typing an Environment executable name, such as, jobdef, use all lowercase. The report does not check for object names. If you type an incorrect name, the report will fail or will not locate any records.

  8. You are now ready to select users to run the report against. Click Select Users
  9. Perform a Basic or Advanced query as necessary to locate the users. Click Find Now when you have specified the query criteria
  10. When the list of users that meet the criteria appears, you can click to select a single entry or Ctrl-click to select multiple entries
  11. Click OK twice when you are finished selecting users.

You are now ready to run the report.


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