Running a Waiting Job Immediately

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If you have a job in job schedular that has a status of Waiting or Waiting on Time and you would need it to run immediately, you can assign the highest priority to the job and it will run immediately on the designated queue regardless of how congested the job queue is. If another job that calls the same program in the same data area is already running, however, the selected job is given a status of Waiting Step and is still listed on the Waiting Jobs form.

To run a waiting job immediately

  1. Access Job Scheduler and click the Waiting Jobs button.
  2. Select the Waiting or Waiting on Time job that you want to run.
  3. From the Actions menu, select Run Job Immediately.
  4. If you want to change the job queue, select the name of the job and click Change.

This job queue overrides the job queue assigned for the job when it was submitted. If you do not assign a job queue, Job Scheduler assigns the default job queue (**********).


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