Calling for backup: The importance of disaster recovery

In today’s digital landscape, it is more important than ever to back up your data. Whether personal or business, everything needs to be backed up – from laptops to cell phone to servers, While the concept of “backing up data” seems fairly simple, there are still ways for skilled hackers to attack and compromise your data. Brent Torre, GM of Backup Suite and Kaseya, shares an article on Security Magazine of the importance of disaster recovery and how to properly back up your data. “Threat actors know good backups are the cheat code to not paying the ransomware,” Torre says, “giving victims the ability to rewind the clock to before the attack. With that in mind, the bad guys have begun to actively target backups first.”

Here are a few things, Torre offers, that IT leaders should keep in mind to ensure their data is protected, and their business keeps on running — no matter what.

All businesses are at risk. “Every business needs to assume they’re at risk and design their security posture accordingly. This doesn’t just involve ensuring there are tools to detect and mitigate an attack but writing a plan for how to recover quickly and efficiently.”

Basic backup isn’t enough. “To mitigate potential damages and eliminate downtime in the event of an IT disaster, organizations need to have a proactive plan rather than a reactive one. However, most SMBs cannot afford to spend the money, time and resources required to research, implement and test disaster recovery plans. That is why Disaster-Recovery-as-a-Service (DRaaS) is swiftly gaining prominence. It allows an organization to back up its data (along with IT infrastructure configurations and disaster recovery runbook) in a third-party cloud computing environment.”

Cloud isn’t immune to cyberattacks. “In today’s rapidly expanding threat landscape, it is thus critical for organizations to secure their data with a powerful third-party backup solution. It will help them comprehensively protect their cloud data while eliminating the single-cloud vulnerabilities and other potential pitfalls associated with leveraging cloud-native services for data backup. When looking for a cloud data protection solution, be sure it includes the same robust features previously required on-prem.”


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