Cybersecurity Mesh: The Future Of Network Defense

Gone are the days when firewalls and antivirus softwares were essentially all we needed to keep our computers safe. With more advanced technology comes more advanced threats. So, what does the cybersecurity industry have in store? The answer: cybersecuirty mesh. Anshu Bansal, Forbes Council Member and founder/CEO of CloudDefense.AI shares the newest concept of cybersecurity mesh and it’s future in network defense.


What Is Cybersecurity Mesh?
A concept curated by Gartner, cybersecurity mesh is all about ditching the old “castle wall” mentality and creating a flexible, scalable security perimeter around each access point. Instead of trying to protect one extensive network, we’re securing each device, user, and connection individually. Bansal compares it to instead of having one big lock on your front door, you’re putting smart locks on every door, window, and access point in your house and each lock knows who should be allowed in and can make decisions on its own. This means deploying security tools that can communicate with each other, share threat intelligence, and make decisions based on context. One great advantage of this approach is that it doesn’t matter where your data is – in the cloud, on-premises, or accessed from handheld devices. Additionally, security follows the data and the user. Some other key benefits include a stronger defense, faster threat response, improved scalability, simplified management, flexibility and context-aware decisions.


Implementing Cybersecurity Mesh
Bansal provides a practical guide below to get you going:

  • Assess Your Current Setup: First, take a good look at what you’ve got. What devices are connected to your network? What security measures are already in place? This inventory will help you figure out where you need to focus.
  • Define Your Security Perimeter: Identify the boundaries of your network, including all your devices, cloud services, and access points. Remember, with remote work, your perimeter extends beyond the office walls.
  • Choose And Integrate Your Tools: You’ll need a mix of security tools that work together. These might include firewalls, intrusion detection systems, identity management solutions and cloud security posture management tools. Look for tools that can easily integrate with each other.
  • Implement Zero Trust: Zero trust is a key principle of cybersecurity mesh. It means verifying every user and device every time they try to access your network. Start by setting up strong authentication methods.
  • Set Up Monitoring: You need to keep an eye on what’s happening across your network. Implement tools that give you real-time visibility into user activities, data movement, and potential threats.
  • Train Your Team: Your staff are a crucial part of your security. Make sure they understand the new system and their role in keeping things secure. Regular training sessions can help keep everyone up to speed.
  • Start Small And Scale: Don’t try to overhaul everything at once. Pick a small area of your network to start with, then gradually expand your mesh as you get more comfortable with the system.
  • Monitor And Respond: Keep a close eye on your mesh. Set up alerts for suspicious activity and have a clear response plan in place.


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