LID Access max number error

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I continue to receive the following error message  when attempting to log into LID:

That indicates a license issue.

so I ran licsta -r  and found the license file is corrupt because it reverted to client 9999.


> licsta -r


Active License Status For Client 9999


License Code/  Active  Licensed  Highest

Application    Users    Users      Use    Expiration Date

———–    ——  ——–  ——-  —————

default                  2         7    Thu Aug 31 13:25:17 2023

PR           2                       Not Licensed

LP           1                       Not Licensed

HR           1                       Not Licensed

un              4       10       13    Sun Sep 17 10:39:42 2023


Run licsta -f and verified the file is corrupt.

> licsta -f

File [E:\lawson\law\system\license] not copied to E:\lawson\law\system\tmplicense] – Error [33]

Unable to Read License File Header – File May Be Corrupted


You will need to request a new software license key and re-install the license file.


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