How to switch LSF domain controller

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If your controller is failing and you need to move the LSF LDAP to another controller


Edit the ldapbind information in the SSOP service and reload it.

  1. Create a dump of the SSOP service:
  • ssoconfig -c
  • Option 5 Manage Lawson services
  • Option 6 Export service and identity info
  • Option 2 for not all services
  • Enter SSOP in upper case
  • Enter NONE in upper case
  • Give a filename (it will write out the file to the directory you are in when you run the ssoconfig -c command.) Example: ssop_prod.xml
  • Exit the ssoconfig menu.
  1. Make a copy of the .xml file that you just created. This is your backup of the SSOP service in its original state.
  2. Then edit the first .xml file and change the following lines:





and this line to the new machine name and port:




  1. Save the file.
  2. Do one of the following to load the modified SSOP service file:

ssoconfig -l ssoconfig_password filename.xml


  1. A stop and start of the Lawson environment and WebSphere application server is required in order for this to take affect.


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