CTP Preview fails in lasetup

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Sometimes when running a CTP patch install preview GENDIR/bin/lawappinstall preview <productline> , the program is executing lasetup with the preview option, and is displaying the following error:

ERROR – failed to uncompress “patch.tar.Z” file.

Installation YEAREND126174.preview of YEAREND126174 terminated abnormally (start = 12/20/2023 13:27:01, stop = 12/20/2023 13:27:01).

ERROR – lasetup execution unsuccessful.

lawappinstall PREVIEW YEAREND126174.preview installation completed unsuccessfully at 12/20/2023 13:27:01.



Follow these simple steps to resolve the issue above.

  1. Backup the current LUU directory
  2. Create a new blank folder for LUU
  3. Update the pl program to LUU
  4. Run the following command:

perl LUUsetup.pl -c E:\LUU

  1. Finally, run the CTP preview again. There should be no more errors.
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