Infor Nexus Launches Map and Trace to Help Companies Demonstrate Responsible Supply Chains

Infor NexusTM, the single-instance intelligent supply chain network platform providing unparalleled visibility and collaboration, recently announced a new product to help companies map their multi-tier supply chains and provide evidence to support compliance with regulations such as the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act and Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act (UFLPA) and the French AGEC Law and to document substantiation for product claims.  Per the press release, this new application called Map and Trace, was co-developed with industry leader Burton Snowboards to help companies “connect the dots” between suppliers, their suppliers, and the transactional records supporting the chain of custody. Further, the process of mapping the suppliers and collecting the documentation is highly manual and first requires participation from the tier 1 supplier. Moreover, Map and Trace is the first application that will help Infor Nexus customers achieve greater transparency and traceability across the product lifecycle. Up next, Infor Nexus is expecting to launch a broader traceability solution, providing a digital product identifier and helping comply with regulations such as the EU Digital Product Passport.


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