How to search for user properties in LDAP
Searching for user properties in LDAP may not be as straightforward to do or you may not have had formal instructions in past to do this task. Below is a step-by-step guide to easily search for user properties in the LDAP application.
D:\LSF > ldifde -f cli.ldif -r “samAccountName=Cli”
Connecting to “cust.private”
Logging in as current user using SSPI
Exporting directory to file cli.ldif
Searching for entries…
Writing out entries1 entries exported
The command has completed successfully
D:\LSF > ls cli*
D:\LSF > lashow cli.ldif
dn: CN=Li\, Catol,OU=Users,OU=Accounting,OU=Finance,DC=cust,DC=private
changetype: add
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: user
cn: Li, Catol
sn: Li
title: Accountant I
description: Finance – Accounting
physicalDeliveryOfficeName: Halo
telephoneNumber: (713) 644-3333
givenName: Catol
CN=Li\, Catol,OU=Users,OU=Accounting,OU=Finance,DC=cust,DC=private
instanceType: 4
whenCreated: 20210218225523.0Z
whenChanged: 20220224165103.0Z
displayName: Li, Catol CatolCat
uSNCreated: 293302835
memberOf: CN=!AP_Invoice_Process,OU=Distribution Lists,DC=cust,DC=private
CN=FortiGateWebFilter_Finance,OU=Web Groups,OU=Information Technology,DC=cust,