The Strategic Value Of AI In Healthcare

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the disruptive force of healthcare. AI-driven benefits are visible across patient case, clinical research, insurance, and pharmaceutical development. More recent areas that AI is influencing in this sector are clinical care, disease detection, medical image processing, precision treatments, drug creation, and cost reduction. AI is also being leveraged to read imaging data to more accurately diagnose cancers.  Chuck Whinney, Sr. Director Healthcare Strategy for Infor, shares in an article that with the “widespread adoption of the Electronic Health Record (EHR) over the last decade, emerging technologies have evolved to the point of taking the growing volumes of patient clinical data to help physicians and caregivers make more informed decisions on targeted, individualized care.” Whinney continues with explaining the latest AI-enabled capabilities are elevating organizations strategically, which enables them to advance beyond data regurgitation and static dashboards to make better operational decisions. The article further explains that AI would need a more agile environment to work more efficiently and that we shouldn’t let ourselves take the technology that is AI for granted. Rather we should embrace it and help us in more industries.


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