Installing BSI TaxFactory 10 for Your New Lawson 10 Environment


System Preparation

  1. Get the latest BSI installation file and save to the Infor downloads folder on the server
  2. Run the executable to unpackage the installation files

Installing BSI TaxFactory 10 for Your New Lawson 10 Environment-1
Database Preparation

Create the TF10 database

  1. Open SQL Server Management Studio
  2. Create TF10_10X database
    1. Right click on databases > New
    2. Set the file locations under General
      Installing BSI TaxFactory 10 for Your New Lawson 10 Environment-2
    1. Options Menu
      1. Set collation to Latin1_General_Bin
      2. Recovery model = Full
      3. Compatibility Level = SQL Server 2008
      4. Keep the other defaults

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Create the TF10 user

  1. In SSMS, right click on the main Security server and select “new Login”
  2. Login name = tf10
  3. Use SQL Server authentication
    1. Password is usually tf10 unless the client request a different password
  4. Default Database = (your desired database name)
  5. Click OK
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  1. Add the user to your database
    1. Expand the database in SSMS
    2. Expand the security folder
    3. Right click on Users > New
    4. User name = (tax factory user)
    5. Login name = (tax factory user)
    6. Default schema = leave blank for now
    7. Click Ok

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BSI SQL Scripts

  1. Locate the SQL scripts within the BSI installation files (ServerInstall/SQL)
    1. crtschma.sql
      1. Creates the tax factory schema
    2. tf10sqv.sql
      1. Creates the table structure for tax factory
    3. noessqv.sql
      1. Resets BSI TaxFactory extended security to off

Adjust Database Permissions

Adjust db permissions now that schema has been created:

  1. Edit the database user on the new database
  2. Make the new schema the Default schema
  3. Click OK
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  1. Under Owned Schemas, select the new schema
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  1. Under “Membership”, select db_owner
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  1. Click OK

System Configuration

Set up ODBC

  1. Open the ODBC (64-bit) tool
  2. Go to the System DSN tab and click “Add”
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  3. Driver is SQL Server
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  1. Data source name = (meaningful name)
  2. Description = (meaningful description)
  3. Server = client’s database server name (SQL Server where you installed the database)
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  1. Use SQL Server authentication
  2. Provide the login credentials
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  1. Keep the defaults on the rest of the screens
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  1. Test the data source
    Installing BSI TaxFactory 10 for Your New Lawson 10 Environment-15Installing BSI TaxFactory 10 for Your New Lawson 10 Environment-16Environment Variables
  1. Create dataset environment variable
  2. Create the TF10_CONNECT_STRING environment variable using the login credentials for the ODBC data source you just created
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  1. Reboot for env variables to take effect

Copy application files

  1. Copy new tf10api.dll from the installation files (ServerInstall\server) to Lawson application server (C:\Windows\System32 & C:\Windows\System)
    Installing BSI TaxFactory 10 for Your New Lawson 10 Environment-19


Install Client Application

  1. Obtain BSI password needed for TF10 install from BSI Customer Services
  2. Install TF10 – TF10ClientInstall.exe on the BSI application server (adding a new BSI instance such as test, qa, test, etc)
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    Installing BSI TaxFactory 10 for Your New Lawson 10 Environment-22(password obtained from BSI customer services)
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    1. If prompted to install Web Server, refer to Apache Tomcat installation instructions
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  1. Select the Tomcat installation directory (will most likely default)
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  1. Select the JRE configuration file (will most likely default)
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  1. Choose the XML server corresponding to the system configuration
  2. Select a directory for the server base
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  1. Choose Install
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  1. Enter the corresponding system information and click Next
    1. Clicking on the MS SQL Server ODBC configuraiton will prompt the system to ass if you use Windows Authentication. Select “No”.
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  1. Can install up to 3 test instances on same server, but each one would have different WEB Server Service Port
  2. Repeat this section for the remaining test instances
  3. When you are finished with all instances, select the environments to be installed and click “FINISH”
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Test the install

  1. Open <server>:<port> for the initial test
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  1. Open the custom site that you installed and log in
  2. Check the System tools
    1. Regulatory bulletins should be 0
    2. Cyclic should be blank
  3. Log into server:port/ef10x/PRD
    1. Where “x” is the cyclical release and “PRD” is the environment
      Installing BSI TaxFactory 10 for Your New Lawson 10 Environment-36

Cyclical Data Refresh

  1. Back up new 10x database
  2. Back up the current 901 BSI database
  3. Restore the 901 data to the 10x database to preserve all the tax updates.
    1. NOTE: During db restore, be SURE to confirm the target db file names, will probably need to change.
    2. Kill the bsi services running on bsi xml server, then sp_who2 to kill any remaining processes
    3. Take db offline
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    1. Restore the database
    2. Restore of db disconnects users
      1. Assign the tax factory and db_owner schemas to dbo
      2. Delete and recreate tax factory user following instructions above
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        Installing BSI TaxFactory 10 for Your New Lawson 10 Environment-40
  1. Log into the BSI site and verify that the Cyclical update inofrmation is now populated

Install Machine Key

As INFO: table containing the BSI machine key:
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  1. Install Machine Key – if/when we have it
    1. Generate from BSI site, Maintenance, Maintain Machine Key
    2. Bring up web client, System Tools, Database Tools, Install Machine Key
  2. Can skip the load regulatory bulletins, cyclic files, etc, since DB restore was performed


  1. Open LID
  2. Type in msgmnt
  3. Update Lawson PRTFX Message Definition, (change bottom TF90 to TF10)
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  1. Compile the prtf program, (needed after changing the TF90 to TF10 in screen above)
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  1. Test with LID
    1. Click Refresh Version
    2. Click “test TaxFactory US”
      1. Will generate a licensing error if the machine key isn’t installed yet
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  1. New jobs should start reflecting in BSI TaxFactory Product in Message Viewer

Apache Tomcat Installation

  1. Download the required installation files from the Apache website
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  1. Save the executable
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  1. Run the executable
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  1. Customize the Windows service name
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  2. Select the JRE path (will likely default)Installing BSI TaxFactory 10 for Your New Lawson 10 Environment-50
  3. Choose the install locationInstalling BSI TaxFactory 10 for Your New Lawson 10 Environment-51
  4. After the installation is complete, change the service to startup type Automatic
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